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Can Mohammad Ghozlan’s dreams be fulfilled in Ireland?

For anyone to choose to live and work in a different country from their place of origin, it is often assumed that economic status, internal displacement, war, the love for a different region or greener pastures shaped their determination. Indeed one of these factors...

Frozen in Fear: My Nightmarish Ordeal as a Care Worker Reveals Chilling Exploitation

A shocking narrative has emerged, revealing the distressing ordeal of a Nigerian immigrant working as a care worker in the United Kingdom. The immigrant, who remains anonymous for safety reasons, has unveiled a disturbing reality of exploitation and dire living...
Can Mohammad Ghozlan’s dreams be fulfilled in Ireland?

Can Mohammad Ghozlan’s dreams be fulfilled in Ireland?

For anyone to choose to live and work in a different country from their place of origin, it is often assumed that economic status, internal displacement, war, the love for a different region or greener pastures shaped their determination. Indeed one of these factors...